The Covid 19 Pandemic has been challenging for everyone to navigate. Here at the Raven Speaks Lightning Lodge our bottom line is the safety of our community and as a result our Sweat Lodge will remain 'on hold'. However, as of summer 2022 we will be offering in-person ceremonial events. We will also continue to offer online workshops and shamanic counseling.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and check back here often for the latest classes, dates and community information.
Be well and stay safe!
Tools for Empowerment
These 4 week courses are new and different. They are open to anyone & affordable. Classes will be focused on practical application to our lives. Each class will meet 2 times per month on a Sunday afternoons. There are no pre-requisites and all are welcome.
Upcoming topics include:
Empowering One's Health ~ How to Walk in Balance
Skills to Strengthen Our Warrior Spirit
How to Set Ourselves Free ~ The Power of Forgiveness
Practical Skills for Navigating Times of Change & Challenge
Community Sweat Lodge
Since always, the sweat lodge (purification lodge) has been a spiritual practice worldwide. The lodge is sometimes called the womb of creation, or the womb of Grandmother Earth. In this ceremony we are afforded the privilege of sitting in this sacred womb space to listen to the voice of spirit, heal our pain and give birth to our dreams.
The Raven Speaks Lightning Lodge is honored to be able to share this very sacred ceremony with our community.
Anyone is welcome. If it is your first time sweating in our tradition, we will need to speak with you several days in advance to inform you of our protocol.
Wisdom Seekers ~ Level One
Exploring Shamanism
This Entry Level course has been developed for those who seek time tested ancient knowledge that leads one to their natural gifts and full potential. The wisdom and reflections held within the Medicine Wheel takes the student on a journey of self discovery and healing.
The learning environment is fun and interactive with
like-minded seekers.
This Entry Level course is a year-long program that meets 5 weekends per year.
There are no pre-requisites and all are welcome.
Wisdom Seekers ~ Level Two
Intermediate Level Class
This course explores Medicine Wheel teachings at a deeper level. Students will learn how to pick up the tools that allow them to change patterns and embrace self discovery. The goal is to learn how to weave the tapestry of empowerment in one's life. This class is a stimulating interactive learning environment that builds deep self discovery.
The Intermediate Level course is a year long program that meets 6 weekends per year.
This course has pre-requisite knowledge.
Wisdom Seekers ~ Advanced
This is a year long program focused on a serious level of study. The class will meet 7 weekends per year, plus a week of Vision Quest ceremonies. Each weekend offers teachings, practical experience and ceremony. Course content is designed to challenge limitations and guide the student into their empowerment. The goal is to cultivate the Spiritual Warrior within and become a leader in one's life.
This course has pre-requisite knowledge.
Vision Quest
Ceremony allows us to explore our Natural Self and cultivate our Humanness by communing with the Great Teachers of Life ~ the natural world and spirit. Stepping into ceremony awakens our “Fire from Within” and we begin to live more consciously, see our vision more clearly and feel our passion more deeply. These most pivotal times in which we live are demanding that we stretch beyond limitation to embrace our excellence and our mastery. Ceremony is the path that gets us there.
We invite you to join us on beautiful ceremonial land for an amazing adventure. Pictured here is an actual view from the land where Vision Quest is held!
Eagle Dance
An Eagle Dance is a day of ceremonial dancing to Goddess Beauty, the Tree of Life. Let the heart beat of the drum open our hearts to all of life, to all that is sacred. This annual ceremony is a powerful day of asking spirit to guide our life walk. Eagle Dance is an opportunity to make your prayers of intent known to the universe. As we dance we become immersed in our connection to self, life and spirit. It is in this way we dance our dreams awake.